

and going round in circles.... 

If your health is not improving or your weight is not shifting - despite your efforts - stop blaming yourself and consider the following (any of which could be hampering your hard work):

โžก๏ธ An imbalance in your gut bugs i.e. you have too many of the 'bad' guys who are causing you to crave sugar and carbs. They literally send the wrong signals to your brain to give them the food THEY love.

Until you sort this out, you can be on a losing battle with your cravings

๐Ÿ‘Š Action - cut down on sugar (basically starve them) and sort out your gut health 

โžก๏ธ The Food Industry - do you have any idea how many food scientists are employed in food manufacturing to get you addicted to their food. In America they feed dairy cows Skittles (yes you read that right!) and remember sugar turns on the same pleasure areas of the brain ๐Ÿง  as cocaine! Your jaw would be ON THE floor if you realised some of the underhand techniques used

๐Ÿ‘Š Action - just eat unprocessed food - we are not designed to eat food from a box.And get label savvy so you know what you are eating. I always say - if it looks like you need a chemistry degree to understand the label - put it back on the bloody shelf! Pronto

โžก๏ธ Growth hormones and antibiotics in non-organic meat which are messing with your ability to shift pounds and feel at your very best 

๐Ÿ‘Š Action - eat less meat and make it organic if you can afford that

โžก๏ธ From an evolutionary point of view we're not designed to have a fridge stacked high with food - so that we can eat 24/7

๐Ÿ‘Š Action - don't buy things you will not win a battle with - and don't kid yourself while out shopping that you will limit yourself to a mini portion each day! It won't happen! I would NEVER win a fight with a tub of Ben and Jerry's and so just don't buy it

โžก๏ธ You're not sleeping enough and this is affecting your appetite hormones - so the hormone that tells you when you have eaten enough is not doing its job properly = resulting in you eating TOO much or feeling hungry ALL day

๐Ÿ‘Š Action - be in bed by 10 (preferably with the lights out) for your normal hormone cycle to work as designed

โžก๏ธ You're stressed to the hilt and your cortisol (stress hormone) levels are through the roof. Cortisol will keep your fat storing switch pressed firmly on 

๐Ÿ‘Š Action - address stress . This is super important for a million different reasons and don't think that you are beyond the negative effects that stress can exert on the body (because it will often come round and bite you on the bum in the end!)

Okay phew ๐Ÿ™ˆ Willpower rant over - good luck xx


Delicious COCONUT DAHL ๐Ÿ˜


I stood on the scales this morning