90 Days to a Brand New You 

Have you been trying to lose weight and make health changes on your own but not seeing the results you want?

Have you fallen out of love with your body?

Have you tried every diet under the sun?

Are you feeling your age?

Have you lost your mojo?

Are you dragging yourself through the day?

Or do you just want to become a better more vibrant you!


 Achieve radiating good health in this 90 day program, designed to supercharge your health and bulletproof your body so that you can effortlessly age, get off the weight loss roller coaster, get the body you’ve always wanted and have energy to burn.


Who is this for

This program is designed for highly motivated and committed individuals who are keen to make permanent changes to their health and bodies BUT who struggle to find the time to consistently follow an achievable health plan. You may be suffering ill health and gut problems including bloating, weight gain, acid reflux and a decline in everyday performance. Or simply feel ready to make some long lasting changes to upgrade your health. 


What's included in the plan

This is a highly personalised program that will be guided by your needs and goals. No two programs will be the same. Over the 90 days we develop a custom strategy that will work for you to upgrade your health and help you become the best version of yourself.

  • Scheduled session every week

  • Weekly accountability check in 

  • Weekly action plan 

  • Additional support if needed

  • My proven 5 R program for Digestive Wellness 

  • Liver support program 

  • Brain health 

  • Cutting edge anti ageing protocols

  • Food plans

  • Shopping List

  • Recipe inspiration guide

Additional sessions if needed:

  • Dump the junk session

  • Cooking inspiration sessions

  • Accompanied food shopping excursion


Why choose the Health Hero Plan?

Most of us know what we should be doing on the nutrition front so WHY THEN are so many of us struggling to implement it in our daily lives 

Life just seems to be getting in the way. It’s easy to push your health on the back burner and prioritise everyone else, especially when you have a family and kids. It’s challenging for even the MOST super organised of us to achieve the perfect work life balance with longer working hours, more stress and less time to spend mooching round the shops and cooking in the kitchen. 

Combine this with the constant barrage of conflicting information in the press and on the TV on what’s the best way to eat, how to lose weight, what constitutes a superfood and what to eat to live longer. And the stage is set for confusion, quick fixes, convenience foods and unhealthy habits.

That’s where I come in. 

I create a plan that works FOR YOU. 

I take the stress out of these changes as I have effectively done the thinking for you with recipe booklets and ideas for every eventuality. I have been in this game a very long time and there won't be a problem I haven't confronted before. I will teach you some easy-to-follow guidelines that will keep you on track and make things simpler than you ever imagined. You will leave me confident and clear about the foods you are buying and choosing to eat. We will discover the ones that make you feel amazing and work for your body, making you a more confident consumer of all things healthy.

Why is the Health Hero program different?

  • Solutions that work

  • Permanent change

  • Completely individualised - no 2 programs are the same

  • Inspiring food guides

  • Great gut health as a foundation of every program 

  • We develop a practical and easy to implement plan that works for YOUR life

  • I help you create a positive mindset and overcome limiting beliefs about what is possible

  • 90 days to embed new habits

  • A much higher level of support

  • 90 days accountability - no hiding

  • A coach with 25 years experience and a big armoury of health tools and techniques on which to draw 

  • A coach who will do what it takes to help you nail your goals

  • A committed coach who is not afraid to kick your butt (if needed)

  • Full commitment to you - I take a maximum of 3 people at any one time and so I am fully focused on you and your goals


 So if you are ready to take control of your health and transform your life in 90 days. If you are serious about permanent change. If you are fed up with quick fixes, not seeing results and find it hard to go the distance on your own. And if you're fully committed to achieving amazing results in the next 90 days without excuses

Thank you for showing an interest in the 90 day Health Hero program. Please complete the following few questions to help me understand a little more about you and your needs at this time and to see if you would be suitable for the program.

Next availability - January 2024

payment plan available


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