
 Digestive Wellness Course

5 weeks to transform your gut health

Learn how to reboot your digestive system, banish the bloat and upgrade your health so that you can drop weight effortlessly, radically boost your energy and unlock the key to amazing health


Are your suffering from digestive distress?

Are you suffering with digestive distress, irritable bowel and bloating?

Are you constipated? 🥴💩 🧻

Do you need to undo your trousers by the end of the day?

If this is you, take matters into your own hands and embark on a transformative journey to optimal gut health with my exclusive 5-week-in-person course! Join me weekly for enlightening face-to-face sessions where you’ll delve deep into the intricacies of gut health.

Discover insider tips and invaluable tricks of the trade to revitalise and strengthen your gut ecosystem.

With my expert guidance, unlock the secrets to a balanced gut with a tried and tested food and supplement program tailored to your specific needs.

Are you ready to nourish your gut and revolutionise your wellbeing?

Join me on this rewarding path to digestive wellness!


Why gut health?

It can be easy to believe that digestive symptoms are a normal part of everyday life. Many people believe that their health symptoms or weight gain are the result of not exercising enough, a lack of willpower or poor food choices but actually it's often just the result of poor gut health.

Here's the truth - digestive discomfort and end of day bloating are signs that something is not quite right on the inside. And covering up these symptoms with pills and drugs without addressing the root cause, provides a temporary band aid solution and does NOTHING to help you in the long term


My gut love

In my early days I worked as a weight-loss coach and although I got results for my clients, I noticed that addressing gut health ALWAYS improved the results.  

Diet and exercise took them to a certain point and YES they did feel better BUT as my interest in gut health developed I began to see that THIS was the way to unlock their full health potential and achieve the ULTIMATE  results.

I noticed that poor gut health didn’t always show up in the form of digestive symptoms and discomfort - I began to see that poor gut health could show up as anything from allergies, autoimmunity, skin issues and depression - right down to just feeling unhappy and overwhelmed 😔


And so I created my gut health group program. I wanted to spread my excitement for the subject and allow as many people as possible to experience the impact that better gut health could have on their life. THIS was the missing link to so many of today's health complaints and the foundation for vibrant good health. Hippocrates was definitely on the right track all those years ago - all disease begins in the gut 🐛 🐜

A few simple changes to your gut health and you will see a radical transformation (nothing to do with faddy diets, depriving yourself of ALL the foods you love, being hungry or being ‘beasted’ in a gym 😢)

What this program is not 

I will not be starving you 

One of the main comments from course participants at the end is that they can’t believe they were not hungry. This program is realistic, packed with great food and one you could adopt in the long term if it works for you. There is no restriction on the amount of foods you eat -within reason 😊

This is not a quick fix

The course is designed to teach you which foods work for your body and how to adapt your diet if necessary in the long term. By the end of the course you will be inspired by the results you have achieved, the new foods you have eaten and by how much better you feel. So much so that you will want to continue with your new health habits

This is not a faddy diet program

You will be eating real food, experiencing new tastes and expanding your recipe repertoire with easy to find everyday foods that will nourish and strengthen you in the process 💪

You will not be spending hours in the kitchen 

I will not be expecting you to spend hours in the kitchen labouring over a hot stove. All the recipes can be cooked quickly at the end of a long day 👨‍🍳

That being said - if your normal cooking routine involved throwing a ready meal in your oven, then you WILL be spending more time in the kitchen.

How will i continue after the course 

Each of the food programs has been specifically designed to fit into a busy lifestyle - with minimum food prep time and easy to follow recipes ⏳⚡


Why is this different 

  • A tried and tested formula for great gut health that gets results every time

  • We remove foods AND heal the gut at the same time so that when we begin the reintroduction phase the gut is stronger and more tolerant of a wider range of foods

  • It radically transforms health and wellness in a way that traditional medicine doesn't 💊

  • Easy to implement and follow - I've literally done the work for you 

  • Lots of support to ensure you don't fall off the wagon and get a healthful return on investment 

  • Camaraderie and support of a group of people on the same journey

  • A health coach that's willing to give you a loving kick up the arse to keep you on track  


This is for you if you 

  • Constantly feel bloated

  • Have IBS symptoms

  • Are constipated

  • Are always taking antacids

  • Feel sluggish 

  • Struggle with excess weight

  • Have an inflamed gut and / or abdominal pain 

  • Suffer from skin issues such as eczema, rosacea, psoriasis 

  • Have autoimmune issues or allergies 

  • Are a healthy individual looking to upgrade your health

  • Want to bulletproof your body for the future   


 Feedback from previous courses


What you’ll learn

Week 1 

REMOVE: The Elimination Essentials

In week 1 you will learn the elimination essentials that removes ‘nasties’ lurking in your gut so that we can begin the healing process. We uncover the foods which are creating inflammation and sapping your energy and learn how to beat cravings once and for all! 🍞🥛🐜

Week 2

REPLACE: How to access the nutrients in your food 

In week 2 you will learn about the powerful digestive bullets that help you break down your food more effectively so that you can access more of the nutrients inside 🔫

Week 3

REPOPULATE: How to keep your ‘gut bugs’ happy

In week 3 you will learn about your ‘gut buddies’ and the amazing community of bacteria living inside you . These good bacteria are your greatest ally to achieving better health and I will teach you how to take good care of them with the foods they LOVE 🐛🕷️💚

Week 4

REPAIR: Strengthening your defences

In week 4 you will learn about the importance of a strong gut wall. This will help calm inflammation, strengthen your immune defences and  protect you in the future

Week 5

REBALANCE: Beyond food

In week 5 you will learn about the reintroduction phase and how everyday stress and poor sleep can have a negative impact on your body 🙏

Course bonuses  

Recipe booklet

One of the biggest areas of self sabotage is coming home hungry and not having anything to eat and so I’ve done the thinking for you. Your beautiful recipe guide is designed to take the stress out of cooking in a busy lifestyle. The recipes are quick, easy to follow, foolproof and some can be made from your store cupboard basics. 

Done for you Worksheets

Each week you will receive a summary sheet of the group session. This allows you to refresh, reread and always have this vital health information to hand. 

Email Support

Once the course has started you will be able to email me questions about your specific food program to help keep you on track and to avoid any hiccups en route 

Private online community 

Each course member will have access to this private group where we share ideas, ask questions and support each other on this journey.

Tasting Session (in-person course only)

Part of the week 3 group session includes a fermented food tasting session including my now infamous homemade Kimchi - which always goes down a storm. Additional recipe sheets will accompany this session

Extra Post-Course Support

New to this program - there will be an extra 2 weeks post course email support to help you stay on track and to help those new habits stick.


Spring Digestive Wellness Course 2024



Add To Cart

* Payment is non-refundable and paid in full to secure your spot

Earlybird offer

Purchase the course before Thursday 21st March and receive a complimentary 45 minute one-to-one nutrition session with me. This personalised session, scheduled at the end of the course, will help you stay on track with your health goals and empower you to create a tailored plan for continued success


Supplemental support

Supplements are an integral part of my gut rejuvenation program.

The Gut Transformation supplement pack is included in the price of your course (RRP £156.92)

Once medications have been checked, the supplement pack will be delivered directly to your home address


THE supplement Pack

We use a specifically designed GUT TRANSFORMATION supplement pack on the course. The pack is an intensive gut clearance protocol designed to help people with unpleasant, nagging digestive symptoms OR to help those without symptoms - improve their digestive strength. 

It utilizes targeted nutritional, digestive enzyme and probiotic formulas, to support the normalisation of healthy gut function.