Our Fitness Classes



Strength Fitness 9 - 9.45am with Laura and Martin : laura.bonhealth@gmail.com
Female Strength 9.45 - 10.30am with Laura and Martin: laura.bonhealth@gmail.com


Strength Fitness 9 - 9.45am with Mandy and Martin : mandy@bonhealth.co.uk
Female Strength 9.45 - 10.30am with Mandy and Martin : mandy@bonhealth.co.uk
Strength Fitness 6 - 6.45pm with Laura : laura.bonhealth@gmail.com
Core Balance 7 - 8pm with Laura : laura.bonhealth@gmail.com


Core Balance 9.30 - 10.30am with Mandy and Laura: mandy@bonhealth.co.uk


Strength Fitness 9 - 9.45am with Mandy and Martin : mandy@bonhealth.co.uk
Female Strength 9.45 - 10.30am with Mandy and Martin : mandy@bonhealth.co.uk
Strength Fitness 6 - 6.45pm with Laura : laura.bonhealth@gmail.com
Core Balance 7 - 8pm with Laura : laura.bonhealth@gmail.com

Contact us to check class availability or to put yourself on our waiting list


Class Descriptions 


Core Balance 

What is core balance ?

This is a beautiful yoga flow class set to music. A balanced blend of yoga and Pilates-inspired moves designed to allow you to flow effortlessly through the class and strengthen you from the inside out.

A moment for you 🙏💚

In this world where HARD and FAST 👊💥 is often believed to be better, slowing down and taking A MOMENT FOR YOU can sometimes feel like a cop out on the exercise front. But it's far from that!

If your body is already drowning in stress, sometimes it will benefit hugely from a more gentle approach. Our Core Balance 💚 class turns your calm switch on, allows your body a chance to reset whilst challenging and pushing you to an improved level of fitness and strength

🖤 What will CORE BALANCE do for you?

  • Builds all over strength 💪 

  • Makes you more bendy 🤸‍♂️

  • Tightens your midsection with specific core techniques 🙅‍♂️

  • Calms the mind 😬

  • Reconnects your body and mind 🙏

  • Nourishes your body 👌

  • You will hopefully leave this class with a smile in your heart ❤

Instructors - Laura on Tuesday and Thursday evenings / Mandy and Laura on Wednesdays

Class number - max 10 per class

Fitness level required - suitable for beginners through to conditioned exercisers 

Strength FITNESS 

WHAT is Strength FITNESS ?

This is an all over conditioning session designed to get you fitter, stronger, leaner, bendier and a step closer to owning a 6 pack. We use a variety of equipment and exercises to keep you on your toes and challenged from a different angle each week 👊

🖤What will Strength FITNESS do for you?

  • Makes you strong 

  • Increases muscular definition

  • Can help you shed body fat (depending on your diet!)

  • Increases body confidence and happiness

  • Increases likelihood of signing up for Gok Wan ‘How to Look Good Naked’! 

  • Reduces likelihood of cellulite on your thighs

  • Helps rebalance both sides of the body

  • Makes your heart stronger

  • Boosts immunity

  • Improves your ability to run for the bus

  • Improves ability of parents to win the egg and spoon race on school sports day

Instructors - Mandy and Martin / Laura 

Class number - maximum 9 per class

Fitness Level required - moderate fitness level recommended 

Suitable for men and women

Timings - Tuesday and Thursday mornings @ 9am / Tuesday and Thursday nights @ 6 - 6.45pm 

Duration - 45 mins

FEMALE Strength 

💪What is FEMALE Strength💪

This class is designed to give females confidence in a weights arena, get them strong and give them a body they are SUPER proud of. We love a strong female physique at Bonhealth 💚

Come and see what your body is made of! 

🖤What will FEMALE Strength do for you?

  • Gives you strong muscles

  • Increases likelihood of wearing a bikini 

  • Helps you develop a body you’re proud of

  • Increases body confidence 

  • Reduces likelihood of being picked on 💪

  • Increases your ability to hold your own in the male area of the gym

  • Improves your technique in the gym 

  • Makes your bones strong

  • Improves immune function 

Instructors - Mandy and Martin

Class number - maximum 6 per class

Fitness Level required - moderate fitness level recommended 

Women only 

Timings - Tuesday and Thursday mornings @ 9.45am

Duration - 45 mins

💙 The Difference 💙

Most of our classes have 2 dedicated instructors, providing a hands-on approach to getting the most out of your sessions. We're hot on technique and there's no hiding. 

But we also believe in having fun - otherwise what's the point! So you will always leave smiling or rolling your eyes! 

💚 Fancy joining us? 💚

Please contact us for current class availability or to put your name on our waiting list.

All our classes will be sold as course blocks. No individual classes or carry over of missed sessions.