Posts in Perimenopausal
Debbie Cornish

After an amazing 29 day journey, I feel I am now armed with the knowledge and tools to manage my hormones rather than them managing me! Breaking the sugar, caffeine and fatigue cycle has made me realise I was pretty much wading through treacle and battling against constant brain fog. Feeding my brain and body the nutrients it needs has paid back immensely, as I now have so much more energy, no cravings and a healthier appearance.

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Fi Planterose

Loved every minute of the course. The zoom sessions backed up by the info sheets were excellent, and great that we can still refer to them. I’m not in peri menopause yet but feel ready, armed to support myself going forward. Not so nervous and afraid of the menopause now, as all you hear is the bad things. Thank you so much Mandy, your enthusiasm, attitude and knowledge is brilliant and made the course such a success.

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Sarah Heelis

This is my 3rd course with Mandy and she continues to provide me with layers of knowledge to improve my decisions around diet and lifestyle. There are no magic remedies for improving your overall health but using the tools Mandy provides is a really good start and will open your eyes to a new world!

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Katie Herridge

This course was the perfect kickstart for me to regain control of my hormone cycle through mindful nutritious meals, better knowledge of the changes taking place in my body and tailored supplements. I feel more in control, fully energized and ready to navigate whatever my hormones want to throw at me!

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Vic Emmanuel

I would recommend this course to any woman in her 40s to give them a kick start to better habits, greater understanding about what's best for them and ultimately just feeling good about themselves.

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Paola Mitchell

As I began to notice the signs of perimenopause I wanted to give myself the best opportunity to help and support my body. Having known Mandy for many years and seen her on a ‘one to one’ basis as well as attending her famous Gut course - signing up for this course was a no brainer.

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I think you're a Master at your profession. Well done you! You come across as totally human and very approachable. I would highly recommend anyone to join any course you are offering, as I am sure they are all excellent.

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Fiona Gower

I LOVED the course and feel like the fog has lifted and I can see life much more clearly. I sort of feel much more alive somehow (sounds daft but I do). My stress levels have dropped, I seem generally happier AND I’ve lost 3 INCHES around my waist.

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Elisa Marriott

Despite initially feeling overwhelmed, I am SO pleased that I signed up to this course. As well as feeling so much healthier in myself, I have learnt so many things over the 28 days and I now have that knowledge to benefit me for the years to come. Mandy is enthusiastic about everything she teaches and is available to provide tips and advice along the way.

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