The Peri Menopausal Course

This 28 day online program is specifically designed to balance hormones and support the female body as it transitions into the menopause


Why bother with the perimenopause?


Menopause is a natural part of every woman's life. However it's easy to believe that we are all destined to walk the rocky road to menopause and that we’ll  ALL be hit with a myriad of unwanted symptoms that have the potential to bring us to our knees !

But menopause is NOT a disease and this does not need to be your experience. It is a period of change in the female body and it is a journey that requires support and some extra TLC. The optimal time to consider adding this extra support is in the decade leading up to menopause - long before any symptoms have appeared  

There is so much pressure for women to be superheros in our modern day culture - expected to be amazing wives, energetic lovers, goddesses in the kitchen, perfect homekeepers,  super mums and top of their game at work

As a result many women arrive at the door of menopause out of balance, out of shape, tired and unprepared

But this does not need to be you. Rather than crossing your fingers and hoping you don’t end up on the hormonal roller coaster - I can help you prepare, embrace the time ahead, put menopause into perspective and give your body THE best chance of a smooth ride 💫

Course Aims

The objective is to adapt the overall terrain of your health to support a natural menopausal hormonal progression, whilst providing targeted symptom support. 

Sounds confusing ! 💭 Well it’s not ….

I will provide you with an easy to follow plan to help get your hormones back on your side - working in sync with the rest of your body .


This course is for you if you are …. 

  • 40 + and in need of help with hormonal issues

  • experiencing symptoms (perimenopause or menopause)

  • feeling an endless need for carbs. coffee, wine and the occasional afternoon nap

  • feeling hormonal

  • struggling to keep up with the mood changes!

  • finding it difficult to stay in shape

  • wanting to get your body in the best place possible 

  • looking to upgrade your health and wellbeing

  • eager to support the body naturally through the peri menopausal and menopausal years 

  • ready for a clean and healthy eating plan and are in need of a kick up the backside! 🚀


What the program involves 

You will be required to follow a 28 day food plan based on whole, nourishing, tasty, really good-for-you food. We will be reducing the usual energy-sapping suspects on the program, supplementing hormone support and introducing some new hormone-balancing foods and recipes to expand your repertoire.


Feedback from clients


Here's what the program is not

Not a faddy diet

The food program and supplement plan used on the course are based on the latest scientific research. You will be eating real food rich in nutrients, fibre, healthy fats, gut supporting compounds and plant phytochemicals to boost your health and nourish and support the body during the transitional period    

A specific weight loss course

As with any course I run I cannot promise weight loss. That being said you could easily lose weight with the positive food changes you will be making and weight loss is normally a beautiful natural side effect of returning the body to balance 

A quick fix to all your hormonal issues

I cannot fix decades of hormonal issues in 28 days or promise to stop every menopausal symptom in its tracks ! However the course will help you put all the right pieces in place to support proper hormonal balance and point you in the right direction ➡️ ⬆️


Why this is different 

  • It provides a 360 degree approach to the body and looks beyond the sex hormones (oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone) to include gut health,  adrenal and thyroid support,  blood sugar balance,  bone health, oestrogen metabolism and liver detoxification ✅ ✅ ✅

  • It is easy to implement and follow and you won’t be hungry

  • You will have the support of a group of people on the same journey

  • Support from me to ensure you stick to the program and start the new year in full flow

  • Many EXTRAS to keep you inspired and on track (see below)

  • An experienced health coach to inspire and excite you on this positive journey ahead


What's included in the course

  • Nutri Advanced Perimenopause Supplement pack (RRP £128.67). Containing glutathione to support liver detoxification, a magnesium supplement specifically targeted to women over 40 AND a vitamin and mineral complex with flaxseed and broccoli to support healthy oestrogen balance. Please note this pack contains non-vegan products 

  • 4 x 1 hour weekly ZOOM education sessions - Tuesday evening at 7pm (a copy of the recording with be posted on the Facebook group incase you need to catch up or want to rewatch) 

  • A final round up Q&A session on Monday 28th November to provide inspiration going forward (a recording will be posted on FB incase you can’t make this)

  • A comprehensive course information pack 

  • An A5 workbook which includes space for you to set goals, track your progress and identify the diet and lifestyle changes you will keep - moving on from the program 

  • Food lists, menu planner and a shopping list

  • Recipe ideas and inspiration


Course Bonuses

  • Private online Facebook group - each course member will have access to this private group where we share ideas, ask questions and support each other on this journey.

  • Extra video recordings posted on the Facebook group from guest speakers to expand your knowledge and introduce you to new ideas and options ….

    🤍 Lindsey Fellows - ‘Delving Deeper into the World of Hormones’ ( registered nutrition therapist, MSc nutritional therapy and nutritional therapist university lecturer) 

    🤍 Mel Rabet - ‘Quick and easy NLP and yoga techniques to help you feel calmer wherever you are and whatever you're doing’ !

  • Weekly 30 minute calming stretch session posted on the FB page

  • 2 x introductory mediation sessions with the lovely Debbie Jones

  • Weekly 20 minute pre recorded ‘AT HOME’ strength training session posted on the Facebook page - to introduce you to the benefits of strength training for bone health. Delivered by our brilliant Bonhealth trainers

  • Email support - once the course has started I will be there to support you on your journey to help iron out any hiccups 

  • Weekly summary sheets - each week you will receive a summary sheet following the education session - this will allow you to recap and cement your new knowledge and have to hand as a reference for future use 

  • Extra reading and listening suggestions for those who want to completely submerge themselves in this 28 day journey and who have the time 🧠


Course Dates

November Course


Course Investment 

Normal Price £450

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* £450. Prices include supplement pack.
* Payment is non-refundable and paid in full to secure your spot.
