The Bonhealth Liver Tuneup

This 21 day online program is designed to help cleanse the body, increase vitamin and mineral absorption, reduce symptoms of toxicity, clear the skin and aid weight loss while improving cellular health and mitochondrial function (energy production)


Do I need to support my bodys detoxification systems ?


When it comes to keeping you healthy - our livers work overtime -  playing a key role in most metabolic processes, especially detoxification.  

Although the liver has the uncanny ability to break down BRAND new chemicals it has never seen before, it can become overwhelmed.  Our modern environment exposes us to staggering levels of toxins on a daily basis  and this can overload our liver resulting in increased levels of circulating toxins in the blood -  potentially causing damage and disease 


It has long been recognised  that an individual's ability to detoxify these toxic substances is of critical importance to overall health and is one way we can help ‘bulletproof’ the body against future disease. Dr Joseph Pizzorno, a world- leading naturopathic doctor, has spoken widely about the need to support our toxin elimination pathways in our increasingly toxic environment 💦 💩 💨

The 14-Day NutriClean Programme has been designed as a great starting point to support you with strategies for reducing toxin exposure whilst simultaneously optimising key toxin elimination pathways and protecting the body against potentially harmful free radical damage. Considering the scale of toxins that we are all exposed to, and the subsequent impact on health if these are not effectively eliminated from the body, it is clear that MOST people would benefit from this !


Course Aims

✅ To set you off on the RIGHT foot for 2024 so that you can FEEL YOUR BEST

✅ To reduce your overall exposure to toxins and potentially problematic foods

✅ To support your body’s toxin elimination pathways and protect against free radical damage 

✅ To teach you how to’ bulletproof’ your body in the long term and how to create a healthier lifestyle moving forwards


This course is for you if you are ….

  • feeling sluggish
  • fatigued
  • experiencing hormonal imbalances
  • inflamed
  • suffering from brain fog / headaches
  • have skin problems such as psoriasis or acne
  • looking to upgrade your health and wellbeing
  • wanting to get your body in the best possible place
  • wanting to bulletproof your body against disease
  • wanting to kickstart your health


How the 21 day program will run

Week 1

Prep week

You will receive your pack and have time to familiarise yourself with the program and have time to get organised.

I will be encouraging you to reduce caffeine, alcohol and sugar so that you are ready to start the following week and to help reduce any detox symptoms you may experience at the start. We will also start looking at your toxin exposure 

Week 2 and 3

The 14 Day NutriClean food and supplement program

Days 1 - 6 you will be following a food list and recipe guide 

Days 7 - 9 are the optional liquid only days where you can drink juices and soups 

Days 10 - 14 back on the food plan to finish 

Please note some people may decide not to do the liquid only days and stick to the food plan for the full 14 days - this is absolutely fine and will be discussed in our group Zoom sessions.

Why this is a different approach to 'detoxing’

So rather than taking a radical approach to detoxing and flooring yourself in the process - this program focuses on WHOLE nourishing foods that are antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory and that support the body on its journey towards better health. The prep week is a super important part of the process and will allow the body time to adjust before we get going and hopefully make the whole experience more enjoyable (although some of you might disagree!)


What you will be eliminating!

Anything processed 
Refined sugar
The nightshade food group 
Foods that hamper liver and gut function


 What's included in the course

  • Nutri Advanced NUTRICLEAN supplement pack (RRP £134.93) scientifically proven to support Phase 1 and Phase II  liver detoxification pathways. Containing glutathione to support liver biotransformation (detox) pathways, NAC to naturally boost glutathione levels in the body, a gut fibre combination to support healthy digestion and  ensure the toxins are exiting the body, antioxidant support and an alkalising metabolic food in powder form to support energy production and phase 2 liver detoxification.

  • 4 x 1 hour ZOOM education sessions Monday evenings @ 7pm (dates listed below). A copy of the recording is posted on our group Facebook page after each session in case you couldn’t make the time or wish to rewatch.

  • A comprehensive course information pack.

  • An A5 workbook which includes space to set goals, track progress and  questionnaires looking at your symptoms and toxin exposure.

  • Food lists, menu planner and a shopping list.

  • Recipe ideas and inspiration.

Course Bonuses / Added Extras

  • Private online Facebook group - each course member will have access to this private group where we share ideas, ask questions and support each other on this journey (optional)

  • Extra educational posts on the private Facebook Group to enhanced your understanding of this topic 

  • Private Email support - once the course has started I will be there to support you on your journey 

  • Weekly Summary Sheets - each week you will receive a summary sheet following the education ZOOM session - this will allow you to recap and comment your new knowledge and have to hand as a reference for future use

Extra support from our guest contributors

🤍 Lindsey Fellows - a registered nutritional therapist who has an  MSc in nutritional therapy and is currently working as a lead university lecturer on nutritional therapy - Linds helps me moderate the Facebook group, provides extra educational posts on the page and helps me troubleshoot any issues that arise. So between the 2 of us - you will be in good hands !

🤍 Debbie Jones - will provide a one off meditation mid-course to help motivate and inspire you to find the mental will power within and to help you continue if things are feeling tough

🤍 Jo Ferbrache ‘Sober Jo’ - Jo will join us for Facebook LIVE sessions talking about the benefits of giving up alcohol, changing your mindset around not drinking and making positive choices that serve you

🤍 Mel Rabet - will explain how the use of language can help motivate us to make positive change and give some quick and simple NLP techniques (neuro linguistic programming)  to help break unwanted habits 


Extras (not included in course price)

  • Jayne and Charlotte from the former Junction Juice will be providing a pre made juice and soup package for the LIQUID ONLY days 

  • Binney and Border will be offering a selection of pre-made ORGANIC meals for your fridge or freezer (delivered to your door) that are course compliant - to reduce  any cooking stress you might feel 


Course Dates

ZOOM session dates 

  • 15th Janaury - Course Introduction and getting started 

  • 22nd Janaury - Liver and Toxin education 

  • 29th Janaury - Liver and Toxin education 

  • 5th February - Course Roundup / Transitioning off the program / Goal setting for a vibrant 2024

The Bonhealth Liver Tuneup
Add To Cart

* £375 (including supplement pack)
* Payment is non-refundable and paid in full to secure your spot
