Posts in Digestive Wellness
Natalie, Jersey

Having completed the course I feel happy, healthy, energised, have shinier hair, clearer skin and have lost 13lbs and LOVE the food choices I am now making. The information pack, recipe book, camaraderie of the group and Mandy's endless knowledge, encouragement, help and enthusiasm made this a much easier and enjoyable learning and life enhancing experience, that I am continuing and now living by.

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Helen Nolan

If you want to push the reset button this course is for you. Mandy’s extensive knowledge and guidance has helped me to invigorate my lifestyle and renewed my desire to cook healthy tasty food with amazing benefits. Don’t think about it just do it ! Your body will thank you.

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I found your course great, full of information which was easy to understand and realise what our body needs and what we are doing or not doing for it. It helped you were so passionate about it. Thank you for the course, I have learnt things which I have and will carry forward and which are making a big difference and I wouldn’t hesitate to sign up again!

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This course has helped me with my digestive issues and shred a bit of my stubborn weight. It has also helped with my knee pain and feeling so much stronger. The recipes you shared has proved to me that healthy food can taste delicious too ! I would highly recommend this course to my friends and family.

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I have just completed Mandy’s Digestive Wellness Course for the second time this year. Mandy delivers each course with unbounded enthusiasm and encourages everyone to engage with each other for support, it’s invaluable, especially at the beginning. Her infectious smile and words of encouragement have you coming away from each session knowing you CAN and WILL feel amazing after only 35 days!

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I signed up for the Digestion Course with Mandy after hearing excellent reviews from friends on how this would change my life...I didn't believe it would so quickly but can 100% agree it has. Mandy has an amazing knowledge of this area and the way the course is delivered by Mandy it cannot fail to make you sit up and take notice. I will be forever grateful to Mandy for what I've learnt from taking part in this course and would not hesitate to recommend this journey to others.

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Paul Bourke

Having participated in the DW course earlier in the year, I implemented a small number of changes to my diet that have made an enormous difference to my overall well-being. Mandy’s expert knowledge and contagious enthusiasm for the subject matter are enviable and provide the perfect support to what could otherwise be a very challenging 5 weeks! I would recommend the course to anyone.

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Pat Lawrence

Clearer skin, more energy and one size smaller!! My eating habits have changed (except on holidays!!) and Mandy and I regularly swap recipes. I would strongly recommend this course as it gives you the tools to make positive and permanent changes to your lifestyle.

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Simon Le Brocq

I would wake up everyday aching all over. The course enabled me to learn about what triggered these events, the no alcohol, dairy, caffeine and gluten was tough but the support from the course and my wife helped me through the 5/6 weeks and the results were amazing. I felt so much better and I dropped 2 stone in weight.

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Catherine Gasston

It’s the best present I've ever bought myself. I learnt so much about food, nutrition and healing and overhauled my diet as a result to help aid an autoimmune condition. The results were incredible, I felt a million dollars, had heaps more energy to chase around after children and had notable improvement of symptoms.

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Name Name

What can I say. I loved the course. For me it wasn't only the education and personalised plan that was a huge help, but also the group support and feeling like I was being held accountable. I would highly recommend this course.

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